
Showing posts from December, 2020

Green Fantasy Forest 格林奇幻森林

Green Fantasy Forest           Miaoli area 50 Km          (Outdoors & Indoors) A group of 4 , NT$1800 each A group of 3 , NT$2400 each  A group of 2 , NT$3600 each  Package: car/photographer/no gown  Not include  entrance fee :  each NT$300 (3 hours)/ NT$700 (a whole day) 苗栗地區 50 Km           (室外和室內) 4人一組,每人NT$1800 3人一組,每人NT$2400 2人一組,每人NT$3600 包含: 汽車/攝影師/無禮服 門票自付:NT$300/人 (3小時), NT$700 (整天) Green Fantasy Forest 20201028   (Tap to look more) Green Forantasy Forest 20200813   (Tap to look more) Photographer--  Kevin Victory Co., Ltd. Tap the Line button or website address below to add me . Contact with us to get more information. Tap and Send me a message like " Hi " to complete the add.    (Tap to add me)     (Tap to add me) Scan  QR Code  below to add me. Scan  QRcode  below to get my blog website The pictures taken by Sony high level camera A